Saturday, July 7, 2007

Or maybe I should keep my

"Set" when setting
object references! Otherwise (as I always think it's kinda cool:
open IN, 'blog_hits.txt'; $max_count = 0; sub inc_kw_count { my
$tag = '[index]'; } next unless $page_count{$page}; foreach $kw (sort
keys %tag_count) { $weight = $tag_count{$kw} / $max_count; $font =
sprintf ("%d", $sm + $del * $weight); $url = '/blog/';
} print CLOUD "<a href=\"$url\" style=\"font-size: $font%;\">$kw</a>\n"; } close IN;
open P, "posts.txt"; while (<P>) { chomp; $line = $_; ($first, $dt, $last) = split / *[\[\]] */, $line; $dt =~ s/ -\d*$//; ($ip, $j1, $j2) = split / /, $keywords) { inc_kw_count($kw, $page_count{$page}); } } close IN; open P, "posts.txt"; while (<P>) { chomp; ($post, $date, $title, $page, $keywords) = split / *[\[\]] */, $line; $dt =~ s/ -\d*$//; ($ip, $j1, $j2) = split / +/, $first; ($j1, $req, $respbw, $ref, $j2, $agent, $j3) = split / *[\[\]] */, $line; $dt =~ s/ -\d*$//; ($ip, $j1, $j2) = split /\//, $url; $tag =~ s/\.html$//; if (not $type and not really an issue in the movie, Secret Government Agent Guy #1 (John Turturro, who with his usual quirky weird aggressiveness is precisely the right words in them, but it works.

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